Legal Notice

Website Owner and Service Provider:SLASH EXPERIENCE, a simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 8,000.00 EURO, headquartered at 5 rue Fenelon, 33000 Bordeaux, France. Registered with the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Registry under number 908650807. SIREN: 908650807. Activity sector: Advertising agency activities. President: AGENCE BACKUP (833591423 LYON), represented by Mr. Romain TAILLAND. General Director: ER Conseil, represented by Edouard DE BOSSOREILLE DE RIBOU.

Telephone: +33782320336


Website Hosting:The Peoplesnap site is hosted by Webflow, Inc., with headquarters located at 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor, CA 94103 San Francisco, United States.


Intellectual Property:The contents of Peoplesnap, including texts, graphics, images, logos, and icons, are the exclusive property of SLASH EXPERIENCE, except for trademarks, logos, or content belonging to other partner companies or authors. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the site's elements, by any means or process, is prohibited, without prior written permission from SLASH EXPERIENCE or the rights holders.

Personal Data Protection:Navigating the Peoplesnap site may result in the collection of personal data. The personal information collected is primarily used to manage relationships with you and, if applicable, to process your orders. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, rectify, and erase information concerning you, as well as the right to oppose and limit the processing of this data. To exercise these rights, please contact SLASH EXPERIENCE at the contact details provided above.

Cookies:Peoplesnap uses cookies to enhance user experience, measure site traffic, and for certain social features. In accordance with current legislation, you can configure your browser at any time to accept or reject cookies, noting that this may affect your ability to use some site features.

Modification of Legal Notice:SLASH EXPERIENCE reserves the right to modify this legal notice at any time. Users are encouraged to regularly consult it to be aware of any changes.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:This legal notice is subject to French law. In case of dispute, the French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.